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What sets American Harbor College apart from other schools?
Our central focus is helping you begin a career. Students from all walks of life can prepare for a variety of careers through our comprehensive, focused and skill-driven programs.
Do I really need more than a high school diploma to get ahead in today’s workspace?
New studies have shown the value of continuing your education. While compensation varies by occupational field, the average Associate or Bachelor’s degree holder earns about $130 or $410 more per week, respectively, than a person who holds only a high school diploma.*
*Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey
*Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey
My question wasn’t answered. What now?
That’s what we’re here for! Nothing inspires us more than discussing your personal and professional goals. Contact us so we can plan an approach to education that’s right for you!
I’m worried about the cost. How can American Harbor College help me?
At American Harbor College, financial assistance in the form of convenient payment options is available for those who qualify. Fill out the form on this page so we can help you explore your options.
Are your programs accredited?
Yes! Our reputation has been built on the foundation of providing students with career-focused education. This commitment to quality has been recognized by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools.
How can I juggle my family and my current job while I learn?
At American Harbor College, we design our programs with adult learners in mind. Various courses and programs are offered at day and night. American Harbor College can help you design a schedule that works with your life.
What is an Externship?
An Externship generally involves shadowing a professional through a normal day’s activities within the organization and may include: informational interviews, a tour of the facility, participation in actual office projects, all while completing your studies or required clinical time. During this time you will combine what you learned in the classroom with real world experience so you feel confident in your career post-graduation.
I need a career so I can take care of myself and my family. How can American Harbor College help?
The programs we offer at American Harbor College are focused on meeting the specific needs of employers so you hit the ground running post- graduation.